I began editing the promo video on the 13th May 2016. The entire editing process for the 2 min video took me roughly three hours.
Firstly I acquired all relevant footage from sources that have also been to the Sumac Centre. Which was only Sersha and Ben. Ben came with me to the Sumac Centre therefore the work he captured was also with min on my SD card. Sersha only obtained cut-away footage, which is fine because me and Ben had already covered the interviews.
Next I began compiling into onto one timeline on Adobe Premiere CS5.5 after choosing the footage I believed was most suitable for the promo video for the image of it in my head and to my pre-production work. Ben also helped me out by suggesting a few clips to be used in the video. I cut down all the necessary clips so that I could fit them appropriately together. This helped the video be cut down to be around 2 minutes in length, as well as be formed in a way that I saw fit to my pre-production work.
I used a cross dissolve for the final cut to the video. This added a nice transitioning to the end title page that displayed the music I used in my video. I exported the final video with the H.264 format in a 1280x720 resolution at 30 frames per second. This provides the video with a suitable memory size whilst keeping a suitable quality for display. After it was exported I used a program called handbrake. Handbrake is a piece of software that can compress video files down to smaller sizes without damaging the quality of the video. This makes sure that I can email it to anyone without having to worry about file size restrictions on any email website.
Overall the editing process for the video went very well, I believe that the Sumac Centre will be happy with the outcome.
There are some real issues with your sound George, also there is no Voice over or text to give the video relevance.