Thursday, 3 December 2015

Ashley Carter

Our class had the privilege of being introduced to a Left Lion article writer Ashley Carter who has contributed to the magazine within every public interest that it covers. However the main interest that he writes about is film and television.

He was a very honest man when it came to presenting what it is he does, how to write better and what to do to motivate yourself. He mentioned that the fact that everyone at the Left Lion (except the chief editor) works for free is a good thing, because this means everyone working there has proven that they do indeed have a passion for writing.

He mentioned that the worst thing you will ever see as a write, your worst nightmare, is a blank word document. I completely understood and agreed with this. Furthermore he elaborated by mentioning that you should write even if what you’re writing is bad, it can be improved upon later, ‘no need to worry’.

There wasn’t anything in particular that helped me improve upon my presentation, however I did learn quite a bit about confidence from him. Confidence as in, you shouldn’t worry about the criticism you receive about your writing. You should use this criticism, whether it be negative or positive; in a constructive manner.

Overall he seemed like a very interesting person and writer. I learnt more about the world of a writer, what it is like to get something published and write about the things. I believed that these were the most important things from his talk.

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